Feb 5 2015
I have learned a very good lesson, many in fact. I've gotten little sleep, wore no makeup, and have cried repeatedly. Don’t worry about the crying Swans. It is part of the process when reinventing yourself, learning new things about yourself, and healing yourself. However, it was also a day I made friends with several young ladies. A day numerous men showed me attention. Let me tell you something about myself. I don’t think of myself as someone who attracts much opposite-sex attention. Although, now I see this has become a normal thing. I have also noticed all kinds of people staring at me. From children, to women, and the elderly. Here's what happened today.
At the mall, a young product salesman seduced me into a shop where I tried on skin care goods. This man, born in Brazil and raised in Israel, was a smooth talker. He wasn’t my type in the physical looks department but I enjoyed our interaction. After a few moments of flirty conversation, he held a mirror up to my face. I blanched and turned away. I said “I don’t look good today. I don’t want to look in the mirror.” He said “What are you talking about. You are a beautiful woman. Your skin is already smooth, I can hardly sell you anything.” Afterwards, for the rest of day I looked in the mirror. Mirrors in bathroom stalls, in my makeup kit, and in store windows. I began to wonder - when the hell did I become beautiful? So now I accept that I am beautiful. Even with no makeup on, having little sleep, and with slightly puffy eyes (from crying). Even though I am not thin and my skin is not the color of the majority. I am beautiful. When I left the shop, half an hour later, without buying a single item - I said to the salesman “Even though I am not buying anything, do you know what you got out of all this...? You got to speak to a Beautiful Woman.” He smiled with the look in his eye of a man, before he knows he's in love with a woman, and silently agreed. I now know I am beautiful. I am a Beautiful Ethereal Swan. Swans, the things you really want for yourself (like being beautiful) are already a part of yourself. Accept it, be happy about it, and let it out!
Mar 5 2015
I know I have never explained what ethereal means. I am using the term "ethereal" to describe my strong intuitive ability. I feel somewhat like a receiver of information. A receiver of information from where you ask? Oh... the air, the Ether, the Universe. (Ether -> Aether: Greek Mythology) Who knows really. All I know is that I receive information from a source unknown to me, and it feels ethereal. That is why I call myself an Ethereal Swan. We are all different breeds of Swan. Maybe you are actually a Goose! Haha! It is your job to figure out who you are, as I have figured out who I am. I am a Beautiful Ethereal Swan. How will you define yourself? Tell me in a comment below! I know your reading my blog Swans. I see it in my Blogger Statistics. But no one else knows what you have to say. Share it here. Don't worry about being the first one to post. Because really...I'm the first one to post. Write with me Swans. Let everyone else know what you have to say. I have readers from the United States, Sweden, Denmark, Ethiopia, United Kingdom, Ireland, Malaysia and Poland. Tell me what you really think. I'm already the first to post - you just have to the second, and third and the.... you get it. Show your Beauty! Thanks!
(Ps. I know my "Donate" button at the bottom of my page does not work. That is because I do not know how to fix it. If anyone out there can help then please (help Sky hint, hint ;) make a comment. Thanks.)
I know it is getting old for me to talk about my missing Swan Soulmate. But the reality is, if I think of the important things I need out of life, in the form of a Ranking System: The first thing on my list is to be Fulfilled in Love. When you're on your Swan Path, you'll understand. I just learned a new term "Twin Spirits." That is what we are Swan Soulmate. When you are honest with yourself, you will see it too. Good bye for now. Come get me when your ready. Show your Beauty! Ready - Set - Go! Hahaha!
Remember the story of The Ugly Duckling?
Many people misinterpret this story. Many think the story is about being ugly and magically becoming beautiful. Many try to apply this inappropriate logic to their lives. Hoping beyond hope, that they will one day transform into something better than they are. They miss the true point of this story. The most important part of this story is that the ugly duckling is not a duck. It is a swan that hatched from within a duck's nest. It wasn't ugly and then turned beautiful. It was always beautiful. It wasn't a duck who then turned into a swan. It was always a swan. It just needed to realize this. Once the little swan realized that it was literally a completely different bird, all its duck problems went away. It could be itself freely. It found that it wasn’t ugly after all. It was actually beautiful the whole time! The story is about finding who you really are.
That is the point of this Blog. It's to help you realize that you are already a Beautiful Swan. In order to do that, you must first understand that You Are Not A Duck!

Hey Swans! If you feel the impulse to give, feel free to send a contribution to Swan Life Lessons by clicking the “Donate” button. Your generosity helps Raine-Skyy guide others through Swanhood. Thank you!
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